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Maintenance Technician Support

360° Technical Assistance ChatBot

ChatBot is an unique User Interface that allows to do different tasks via messages.


The treated case is about 3 actors: Consumer, Installer, Warehouse.


Consumer wants to install a new appliance or needs technical assistance during install or maintenance.

Installer has to give assistance to consumer in order to fit a new appliance or repair it, depending on work schedule.

At the same time, Installer needs to know if the required components are available at the Warehouse.

An Installer sometimes even needs to learn how to perform a specific job, such as knowing how to unscrew, reset, repair a component.

How ChatBot can help?


In one hand, Consumer chats with the Company Virtual Assistance in order to explain what she or he needs and fix the appointment with the Installer.

In the other hand, Installer chats with the Maintenance Technician ChatBot :

  • to order the required components and getting ready for the installation or repair
  • to ask information about how to solve a problem (such as knowing how to unscrew a component or how to repair it)


Customer-Company ChatBot is connected to: profilazation survey and Company Clients DB, Installers agendas

IMaintenance Technician Support ChatBot is connected to: Warehouse DB, Technical knowledge base

This schema could be integrated with:

– BEACON SYSTEM: to have a physical aware application, interacting with the physical world

– SMART GLASSES: to help Installer during the training time through the help of a human technical support

– HUMAN TAKE OVER: to ha the support of a Senior Expert through chat, during the field operations